Projecting Into The Atmosphere (Of Your Home): Special Effects Create Dramatic Home Views

When it comes to turning your house into a home, it isn't always easy to know where to start. After I purchased my first home, it still felt like someone else's space, which really put a damper on my ability to create a warm, welcoming environment. However, after collecting different things from around the world and learning how to create my own art, I was able to make the kinds of changes I needed to in order to make my place feel like home. I wanted to make a website all about creating a fun, imaginative space, so I started this blog. Check it out!

Projecting Into The Atmosphere (Of Your Home): Special Effects Create Dramatic Home Views

25 April 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

At one point in the not-too-distant past, home projectors were just for slide movies. As fans of projectors learned how to tinker with these machines and use them for other purposes, the special effects projectors for home use were born. Now you can buy all of the following special effects projectors for home and garden use to produce amazing, eye-catching atmospheres for any occasion.

Thousands of Christmas Lights Without the Work

Hanging Christmas lights on your house is not only tedious, but dangerous. Up and down ladders and attaching nails and hooks for hours on end, and then at the end of the holiday season, you have to take all the strands of lights down. Instead, use projectors which project grids of thousands of Christmas lights onto your house. It looks like you spent hours hanging strings of lights with absolute perfection, but all you did was plunk a Christmas light projector in the yard and plug it in.

Beloved Holiday Symbols or Characters

There are also projectors with several slide-in disks featuring holiday symbols and characters. You want hearts for Valentine's Day, eggs or bunnies for Easter, a tree or snowman for Christmas on your house? These projectors do just that. Extra holiday disk packs are sold separately if your projector does not come with a holiday symbol or character you would like. You may also be able to create your own symbols or characters with a blank disk and markers.

The Disco Ball Without the Ball

If you want to have a disco party or a seventies party, you need the disco lighting. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford a disco ball with dozens of lights bouncing off of it. No problem; there is a disco ball projector that projects disco lighting and disco effects. The best part is that you do not have to find a place to hang it, nor do you have to make a hole in the ceiling from which to hang the projector.

Haunted House

Sure, you could invoke evil spirits and poltergeists to invade your home, but there is a much better and less threatening way. Projector kits are sold with slides depicting various frightening spirits and are programmed to cast the images at random onto any surface you want. Your trick-or-treaters will never know what hit them or scared the daylights out of them when you use this on your front porch.


About Me
Making Your Place Feel Like Home

When it comes to turning your house into a home, it isn't always easy to know where to start. After I purchased my first home, it still felt like someone else's space, which really put a damper on my ability to create a warm, welcoming environment. However, after collecting different things from around the world and learning how to create my own art, I was able to make the kinds of changes I needed to in order to make my place feel like home. I wanted to make a website all about creating a fun, imaginative space, so I started this blog. Check it out!
