What Changes Can You Make At Home To Promote A Circular Economy?
For years, products used in the home were produced, used, and then sent to landfills when their useful lives were over. The circular economy model seeks to change this. Its aim is to employ strategies to ensure products are used over and over again before being retired. Perhaps these products are sent back to the manufacturer for reworking and refurbishing at some point, but they cycle through usefulness several times rather than heading straight to the trash bin.
Green businesses are supporting the circular economy by producing items that are recyclable and longer-lasting. But what can you do at home to support this change?
Buy circular economy products.
Research companies that operate with earth-friendly principles and seek to produce recyclable goods. Don't just look for goods made from recycled materials—you want those that can be fully recycled again and again. Buying from such companies will put money into the circular economy, which will help perpetuate an advancement towards this type of system overall.
Use reusable products.
Just like companies are trying to design waste out of their systems, so should you. Sit down and make a list of all the disposable products you use on a regular basis. This probably includes paper towels, tissues, plastic silverware, and so forth. Then, come up with reusable, long-lasting replacements for these waste-generating products. You could use washable kitchen rags in place of paper towels, and handkerchiefs in place of tissues. Invest in some metal straws, which will pretty much last forever.
Buy things for life.
Whenever you buy something, seek to buy a durable, long-lasting version rather than a cheaply made one that you'll have to throw away in a few months. This applies to clothing especially. You're better off buying one good pair of boots that lasts five years than a new, cheap pair every six months. There are online forums that can help you find goods that are truly made to last.
Cut out extras.
Another aspect of green living and supporting the circular economy is doing away with excess. Get into the habit of buying things you need, not just things you want. Maybe you don't need four different hair care products and can cut back to one. Or perhaps you don't need seventeen different colors of socks. The less you use, the less waste you will produce, and the more circular your own home economy will become.
Go online today to find circular economy products you can buy.