
When it comes to turning your house into a home, it isn't always easy to know where to start. After I purchased my first home, it still felt like someone else's space, which really put a damper on my ability to create a warm, welcoming environment. However, after collecting different things from around the world and learning how to create my own art, I was able to make the kinds of changes I needed to in order to make my place feel like home. I wanted to make a website all about creating a fun, imaginative space, so I started this blog. Check it out!

Walk-In Closet Organization Possibilities

9 January 2020
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

People who have walk-in closets will be able to organize them in lots of ways. Many people will have clothes rods, shelves, and sets of drawers. Here are some walk-in closet organization ideas.  Having Both Shelves and Drawers in Walk-In Closets Can Help People Utilize the Closet Space More Effectively Many people will store the dresser set in the center of the walk-in closet. They will more or less be facing the dresser set as they walk into the closet itself. Read More …

5 Benefits Of Installing Hardwood Floors In Your Home

25 November 2019
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

If you're wanting to update your home and give it a new look, you may be thinking of upgrading your flooring. Many homeowners choose to change up their flooring as a way to make their home look more attractive and to choose flooring that is easy to care for. If you want to get new flooring, you may want to consider having wood flooring installed. It's a great way to get that new look that you're dreaming of, and this type of flooring offers many advantages. Read More …

2 Things That Will Ease The Burdens Of Multi-Property Maintenance

10 October 2019
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

When you own multiple properties, staying on top of maintaining each system of each building can be more than a little challenging. When you have tenants living in these places, it's imperative that you have the time you need to tend to the needs of the building to keep things safe for the tenants. Here, you'll find a few ideas that can help make sure the essentials are taken care of without leaving you no time to rest. Read More …

What Changes Can You Make At Home To Promote A Circular Economy?

23 August 2019
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

For years, products used in the home were produced, used, and then sent to landfills when their useful lives were over. The circular economy model seeks to change this. Its aim is to employ strategies to ensure products are used over and over again before being retired. Perhaps these products are sent back to the manufacturer for reworking and refurbishing at some point, but they cycle through usefulness several times rather than heading straight to the trash bin. Read More …

Deciphering Carpet Cleaning Expenses Ahead Of Scheduling The Appointment: What You Need To Know

8 July 2019
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

You know you have to clean your carpets again, now that the springtime rainy season and the mud season are done. You may even have several coupons to give you a discount on services from a number of carpet cleaning companies. Yet, how do they define a room, an area, etc.? Trying to figure out what they mean so that you can calculate the costs of their carpet cleaning services ahead of time can be complex or challenging. Read More …

About Me
Making Your Place Feel Like Home

When it comes to turning your house into a home, it isn't always easy to know where to start. After I purchased my first home, it still felt like someone else's space, which really put a damper on my ability to create a warm, welcoming environment. However, after collecting different things from around the world and learning how to create my own art, I was able to make the kinds of changes I needed to in order to make my place feel like home. I wanted to make a website all about creating a fun, imaginative space, so I started this blog. Check it out!
