
When it comes to turning your house into a home, it isn't always easy to know where to start. After I purchased my first home, it still felt like someone else's space, which really put a damper on my ability to create a warm, welcoming environment. However, after collecting different things from around the world and learning how to create my own art, I was able to make the kinds of changes I needed to in order to make my place feel like home. I wanted to make a website all about creating a fun, imaginative space, so I started this blog. Check it out!

2 Things To Consider When Choosing River Stones For DIY Decor Projects

14 April 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

River stones are perfectly shaped and sized to be used for DIY home and garden decor projects. The stones are naturally smooth and come in a wide range of colors and sizes. They are also lightweight, yet sturdy, which makes them a great medium to use in DIY decor projects. If you've decided to use river stones to decorate various areas in your yard and in your home, such as in a mosaic tile stepping stone or as a counter top, there are two important things to consider before you make your selections through a stone supplier. Read More …

Dead Patches Of Grass In Your Yard Due To Winter? Some Tips On How To Get It Beautiful This Spring

11 April 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Snow and other debris building up on grass throughout the winter can cause grassy areas to die. If this has happened to you, there are many things you can do to get your yard looking normal again. Below are some tips to help you get started doing this. Remove the Dead Grass You can remove the dead grass by raking over it with a garden rake. If you are having a hard time using a rake or there is a large area of dead grass, you can use a tiller to till over the soil to help loosen it up. Read More …

Tips For Preventing Foundation Problems With Water

7 April 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

A common problem a homeowner can have with a foundation is when water gets inside their home. Once that moisture gets in, it can end up causing a lot of damage. Even a small crack can allow water to get in due to static pressure against the foundation walls. That's why you want to take steps to prevent water from getting inside, which will help prevent damage to a foundation. Read More …

Skin Problems Since Moving To Your New Home? You May Have Hard Water!

4 April 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Articles

If you've recently moved and have been experiencing skin problems since, you may have hard water. Here are four skin problems that can be caused or worsened by hard water and how to have water that can help you take better care of your skin.  Hard water can wreak havoc on your skin Hard water has high levels of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, which can affect your skin. Read More …

Top 4 Advantages To Choosing Curtains Over Blinds

28 February 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

When it comes to window treatments, the most popular options include curtains and blinds. If you are unsure as to which direction to go in your new home, you'll find that curtains actually offer a few advantages over traditional blinds.  Curtains Are Easier to Clean Blinds are known for collecting dust that can be a pain to keep up with. In addition to dusting the blinds, you'll also need to give them a thorough cleaning a few times a year. Read More …

About Me
Making Your Place Feel Like Home

When it comes to turning your house into a home, it isn't always easy to know where to start. After I purchased my first home, it still felt like someone else's space, which really put a damper on my ability to create a warm, welcoming environment. However, after collecting different things from around the world and learning how to create my own art, I was able to make the kinds of changes I needed to in order to make my place feel like home. I wanted to make a website all about creating a fun, imaginative space, so I started this blog. Check it out!
