Making Your Place Feel Like Home

When it comes to turning your house into a home, it isn't always easy to know where to start. After I purchased my first home, it still felt like someone else's space, which really put a damper on my ability to create a warm, welcoming environment. However, after collecting different things from around the world and learning how to create my own art, I was able to make the kinds of changes I needed to in order to make my place feel like home. I wanted to make a website all about creating a fun, imaginative space, so I started this blog. Check it out!

Roofing Maintenance To Prevent Storm Damage And Protect Your Home

11 September 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

As storms become more frequent this autumn, make sure your home is prepared and can withstand any damage. Part of the maintenance that needs to be done to prepare for storm damage includes roof repairs and maintenance to prevent damage to your home. Here are some of the maintenance tasks that need to be done to prepare your home for the storm season this year: 1. Clearing Trees Away from Your Roof and Utility Lines Read More …

Décor Ideas For A Charming Front Porch

26 July 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Your porch provides the transition for guests between the outside and inside of your home. It can be a focal point that passersby see. A porch can also provide a quiet area for you to lounge and watch the world go by. Add charm and personality to your house's exterior with how you decorate your porch. Comfortable Seating If your plan is to enjoy sitting on your front porch, then comfortable seating is essential. Read More …

Awning’s Out: Now That The Sun’s Off, Will The Pests Come?

30 April 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

If you love the idea of having a retractable awning over your patio, but aren't sure if it will attract bees, wasps and other pests, the solution may be as simple as rearranging your flower beds and picking up after yourself. These quick tips can save you a sting or an itchy bite. Tip 1: Rearrange Patio Flowers Part of the appeal of sitting under a patio louver or awning is to sip your favorite beverage and gnosh on your favorite snack. Read More …

Projecting Into The Atmosphere (Of Your Home): Special Effects Create Dramatic Home Views

25 April 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

At one point in the not-too-distant past, home projectors were just for slide movies. As fans of projectors learned how to tinker with these machines and use them for other purposes, the special effects projectors for home use were born. Now you can buy all of the following special effects projectors for home and garden use to produce amazing, eye-catching atmospheres for any occasion. Thousands of Christmas Lights Without the Work Read More …

Mouse Or Rat Problem? How To Determine Which Rodent Has Invaded Your Home & 3 Tips For Getting Rid Of Them

19 April 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Articles

If you are like many homeowners who have noticed the first signs of a potential rodent infestation in your home, then you may have seen signs of the rodents, yet not seen the rodents themselves. While you may be tempted to start leaving out rodent traps right away to catch the mice or rats that have invaded your home, it is important to first determine which rodent is occupying your home. Read More …

About Me
Making Your Place Feel Like Home

When it comes to turning your house into a home, it isn't always easy to know where to start. After I purchased my first home, it still felt like someone else's space, which really put a damper on my ability to create a warm, welcoming environment. However, after collecting different things from around the world and learning how to create my own art, I was able to make the kinds of changes I needed to in order to make my place feel like home. I wanted to make a website all about creating a fun, imaginative space, so I started this blog. Check it out!
